None of our brothers and sisters should be sent to war or put in harm's way, for any reason, that isn't true. We as a country failed to protect our honor, democracy, and legacy.

In addition to our citizens we have no right to harm others when harm has been commited against us. 2 million, that's right 2 million Vietnamese died for a war that was illegal, immoral, and a fraud.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

The flaw in the ointment...

The Flaw in the Ointment

Human nature is the flaw in the ointment of deregulation it manifests itself in the guise of efficiency and lower costs but exposes all of us to the dangers of mismanagement.

Throughout the spectrum of industrial sectors the only thing that matters is profit. Less government oversight, less regulation, and less accountability all improve the opportunity for increased profits.

Do not make any mistake about it, the total value of the citizens of this country, is nothing compared to the value businesses put on themselves. If the banking or financial industry fails because of mismanagement they will and have been bailed out. If a commercial airplane crashes because of mismanagement it will be argued that air transportation is the safest it has ever been, though, that will be little relief to those that lose loved ones in crashes. If someone gets sick from tainted food it will be investigated, publicized, and addressed but it will not repair the mismanagement in the industry.

We all have a price on our head it is not what we think it is, it is, what is settled for after a law suit or a company pays for damages.

The USA is a government of the people and for the people remind your representatives of this fact.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Let's hope for change...

Obama is having a bi-partisan meeting at the Blair House to try and secure a new approach to dealing with health care.

Wouldn't it be nice if they acted in our best interest, ie, the American people, rather than in their own and corporations.

And I know how inflammatory this will be, but, death panels were a hot button issue when it came to end of life issues, where are the "life panels" that should be addressing the start of life issues? Neo-natal care costs, for premature births, are enormous. Why is it that, abortion is against god's will, but the intervention during premature births is not?

Truth, and facts, and all the issues we as a society face need to be dealt with as a whole. Or else all we do is for naught.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Presidential Leadership

The various talking heads on different shows want to criticize President Obama's foreign policy leadership.

Given what President Obama inherited, diminished military capabilities, staggering economic challenges, two wars, and a hostile partisan opposition party it would be impossible to "stand tall" on any issue let alone foreign policy.

The ongoing conservative strategy is to, generationally, diminish left wing policies and politicians. I wrote, and advised, on numerous occasions that taking over the bag of crap left by the Bush adminstration was nothing more than another step in their strategic choreography. You all need to wake the f..k up.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Stop Paying for Health Insurance

One sure way of effectively influencing the health care debate is to stop paying for health insurance.

By taking this stand I may pay for it with my life, if I become ill, but so be it. To allow this ponzi scheme to continue in its present form is criminal.

We are a nation of citizens not corporations!
Democracy allows capitalism, not vice versa.

Monday, February 15, 2010

True Axis of Evil

Insurance companies, health care industry, and the FDA.

This coalition of greed is destroying this country. The FDA approves things like the use of corn syrup, food additives, and smoking without the requisite knowledge of how the use of these products in the long run harm us.

The insurance companies, through a decades long ponzi scheme, leverages the baby boom generation against the future downturn in reduced profits from a smaller generation.

And health organizations resist practical solutions to capital costs.

Add to it, factions like lawyers, congress, and lobbyists and it all feeds off itself to take advantage of the American people.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Prophets, Decry Profits and let loose the frauds of War.

Cheney, Bush, Rumsfeld, frauds all as they used enlisted service people indiscriminately. Deceiving their way into Iraq, with their WMD resolution, these three war criminals squandered thousands of lives to accomplish what?

After billions of dollars, thousands of coalition lives, hundreds of billions of dollars, and nine years, the gang that couldn’t think straight succeeded in absolutely nothing.

Our foes, Al Qaida, Bin Laden, radical Muslims, taking their time, planning their moves carefully, and executing diligently, accomplished more in their attacks on 9/11, in one day, than we have been able to in over 9 years.

Our casualties, our brothers and sisters, have paid the last full measure for what? To sustain a corporate infrastructure that the cowards listed above represent. And while propping up the economy to sustain the reelection of, Georgie the Usurper, they enabled the continued destruction of our republic.

Mc Cain n'Abel ing

Dear Senator McCain

The country is waiting...

God Bless you for your service to our country.

But, putting forth, the empty Palin as your trudging mate, pales in comparison. We didn't torture you the North Vietmese did. Why you visit this plague on your own country is beyond reckoning. If it isn't an incorrigible sin it should be.

...for your apology

Conservative Jester, Courting Treason

The book “Courting Disaster”, by Marc Thiessen, is an attack on the Obama Administration’s failure in its war on terror because, it is reported, the CIA no longer conducts interrogations of terrorists. As per the previous administration this kind of attack on a war president gives aid, succor, and relief, to the terrorists and it harms the USA.

This idiot, upper crust(way overdone), conservative proselytizer is doing more harm than good. It is pandering to the fear mongers, and jeopardizing this country’s future.

What if, this administration had publically stated one thing, that the CIA was no longer doing the interrogations, and top secretly they were still doing what has been claimed to be so successful?

Whatever connections this Mama's boy uses to put forth his views, they need to be severed.

Is it at all possible for our secret agencies to actually conduct their covert acts covertly? Do we have to divulge everything we are doing? Do we have to constantly give the other team our playbook? Grow up, shut up, and quit being a part of the problem.

And by the way there were still numerous security failures by the Bush League of Extraordinarily Ordinary Gentlemen. One, case and point, Rumsfeld’s non-support of the CIA during the initial incursion into Afghanistan and the assault on Tora Bora, and the opportunity to capture Bin Laden. That single failure, because of grandstanding, is in and off itself an act of treason.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Herr Gobbles

Today is enough.

Turn away from the hate filled, distortion, and corruption of the likes of Rush Limbaugh.
The prince of pomposity.
The burgermeister of bombast.
The Herr Gobbles of the conservative movement.

Stop listening to him. His divisiveness and polarizing effects on “ditto heads” is part of the problem not part of the solution.

The militarization of America

The militarization of America
The worst compromise ever for the United States was the one in which gays in the military were allowed to serve in brave silence. The other side of this compromise was the ability of retired government service, military, and other officials to go into civilian industrial corporate America immediately upon severance of service.
What this has done is provide for a strengthening of the military industrial complex whereby it has dominant control of our government and the civilian population. The social manipulation that has occurred in the last 4 decades, when the counter-culture movement imposed its will on how the Nixon administration prosecuted the Vietnam War and the subsequent withdrawal without victory, should be subject to investigation. Forty years ago we were on the verge of attempting to address all the social failures we are facing, again or still, now. The movement wanted to reduce pollution, reduce military intervention and the hegemony associated with that intervention, improve education, conserve resources, and limit the unfair influence of big business in the affairs of the populace.
The ever so grave danger (there is no other kind) is the type of leadership and management that results from militarism. Military leadership is not leadership by merit; it is leadership by rank authority, two distinct, but very important concepts to embrace. In the natural order of things knowledge, ability, experience, and charisma are what make natural leaders. By virtue of their innate skills and the recognition of ability by those they associate with in their chosen profession, the competent are able to climb the ladder of success and responsibility. What happens in the military is an unnatural selection process. What happens is that those that reflect the most light of those responsible for promoting them become higher ranking officers and enable the continuance of the inbred management culture of the military.
Americans have come to believe that military equals leadership. Patriotism was hijacked just for this purpose after 9/11. Our greatest strength is not the military it is the ideology that all men and women are created equal. Along with the liberties we enjoy as a free people. The republic founded by our forefathers was the culmination of centuries of rights earned by men reasoning with the forces that controlled them. The democracy we enjoy was not given to us by god, but earned by the efforts and labors of men that had tasted the opportunities that industriousness allows.
I observed, when working for the Navy, the culling of individuals that were different from the spectrum needed to feed the military’s future. There is a relatively narrow band width of light that reflects the most of what the military wants and needs. It is not by accident that they look the same, sound the same, and act like one another. The problem we face as a country is the controlling regimentation of our people, our jobs, and what it bodes for our future.
I believe in the military and my brothers and sisters that serve. That is why I spoke out against the invasion of Iraq. It was based on lies, it was not planned very well, and it was executed horribly. But it has succeeded in elevating the military establishment on the backs of the enlisted. There has always been contempt in the ranks for the leadership in the military, Willie and Joe would tell you so, the contempt comes from the knowledge that war and chaos go hand in hand and results cannot be predicted.

The liberty of education

All over the world one of the most treasured dreams of parents for their children is for them to obtain the best education they can get.
For religious fundamentalists their greatest fear is that the people they hold power over will become more educated. When the Taliban in Afghanistan want to send a message to the people in that country one of their targets were schools that teach girls and young women. There is something inherently evil about any culture that is afraid of its women. Just think in our own country women have yet to have voting rights for a century.
Recently during the haggling over the stimulus package funds for education were reduced so the package would cost billions of dollars less than proposed. Other things stayed in the package but money for education came out.
Having taught in public schools, albeit only as a substitute teacher, I have been amazed at how much is taken for granted by our children. And how unaware they are of what education can be for them. It is a ticket to a better, brighter, and more interesting life. Many times while trying to maintain control in the classroom I would urge them to stay focused and that, life does not offer opportunities, to undo the mistakes of the past. One of my own personal regrets is that I did not devote enough time and energy to education.
When National Socialism took hold in Germany of the 1930s the population was desperate for solutions to the global depression, their loss of standing in the world as a result of the Great War, and other perceived threats, manifested themselves as fears, promoted by a propaganda machine that was unrelenting. Many people have drawn parallels to that period of history in Germany and what we have been going through here in the United States. One of the first targets of the Nazis was education. Another technique was to lay claim to patriotism and that it belonged to the established government and them alone. To be a patriot meant you thought the way they did.
I have spoken out for most of the last 8 years against the policies of the previous administration. I did not believe in going to war in Iraq. This has resulted in a military stretched to the breaking point. I also did not believe in the tax refunds, and the indiscriminate and ill conceived spending for homeland security, so much of it was wasted. It is amazing now that our representatives from Alabama can criticize President Obama for what he is attempting, yet they went along with the fearful extortion promoted by the Bush administration. How many billions or trillions of dollars have been spent? And the whole time they would say that we are fighting terrorism yet we can’t prevent another attack in the future. Talk about having it both ways.
You do not fight terrorism with conventional strategy and tactics. You can’t spend indiscriminately and then refund billions of dollars. You can’t claim to be fiscally conservative and then not know where the money you spend is going. And we can not survive as a nation divided against itself.
In this country’s darkest hours the most unifying force has been that of freedom. For all of our disparities we need to find common ground and lay our foundation, yet again, on that ground. Education should always be the aggregate that binds us together.
God Bless the World the USA is part of.

Slaves and prostitutes

What are your solutions to the problems this country faces?
Why should we not regulate industries that affect so many indiscriminately and with such disregard? The banking industry needs oversight. The military industries are rife with corruption, waste, and fraud. And the insurance industry is only a form of gambling where the rules are changed, by them, without concern for their customers.
If slaves were owned and if prostitutes sell themselves, then all of you in congress are both. You are owned by corrupt businesses. You sell yourselves so that you may continue to wallow in your own filth of illusion.
You do nothing but maintain the status quo. Then present yourself as a leader.
You are not patriots, or good citizens, or men of honor. You are cowards.

Education debate

It is interesting to read the debate regarding education in the paper. It is the same debate I remember from my youth 40 years ago. I had a teacher that that taught me the importance of staying informed by getting my information from a variety of sources. Thank-you Mr Wysong.
I’ve been an engineer for thirty years and substitute teacher for twenty of those thirty years. As in engineering and everything in life start with the basics and then build off that. When looking for the causes of a failed system, part, organization, machine, or anything for that matter, you will always find a root cause.
The root cause with regards to education is the lack of a strong foundation supporting the students. This is a result of the destruction of the family unit. And there are numerous reasons for that. The root cause for the loss of family structure, the basic foundation of groups that become societies, is too complicated to address in this format. But one of the contributing factors that apply directly to education is the diversity of ethnic, cultural, and economic factors that our students come from and are exposed to in their earliest years.
When you take a random group of students put them in a classroom, with one teacher, you have a recipe for failure.
That one teacher has got to present their subject matter to a group of students with varying abilities, attention spans, and social skills. The teacher has to teach to a syllabus mandated by school boards. They have to keep on schedule and meet progress milestones and trust that their students are upholding their part of the process by studying and doing their best to keep up with the class. Some do and some don’t. All the influences that we as members of society experience in our lives are concentrated in the classrooms. The results are the complex problems we see in education today.
It is absurd to believe that you can have one type of school system to address the diversity we experience in this country. Unlike other parts of the world we mandate public education for everyone. In second and third world countries children want desperately to go to school. Here in the U.S. many students find school to be an inconvenience that is barely tolerated. The 15% of students whose maturity and behavior are a detriment to any class or school, become a catalyst for chaos, and they destroy the learning opportunity for many other students.
To suggest that more computers, more janitors, and more supplies are needed is absurd. I’ve taught, albeit as a substitute, in many schools in this county. There are bags, drawers, closets, and file cabinets overflowing with supplies. There are countless computers and monitors stuffed away not being used. Laptops replace desktops and the desktops are hid away because there is no money to dispose of them properly. There are books everywhere that go unused and the books that are used are abused by many.
To suggest more janitors are needed is absurd. What is needed is a policy of holding students accountable for their behavior. Before I dismiss students I try to ensure that the room is as clean as it was when the came into the classroom. The students stick their gum everywhere. The students throw candy wrappers and spit sunflower seed shells wherever they like. Lollipop sticks and chip bags are dropped where they stand.
The incorrigible 15% need to be removed from the schools today and the remaining 85% of students need to be given the diversity of education opportunities that reflects the diversity in our society.
Going to school is every student’s form of employment. They get paid in grades and privileges. Sports, band, and all extra-curricular activities should be earned; they are not by any means an entitlement.

Open Letter to Politicians

An open letter to politicians.

Find your honor, find your courage, rise above partisan politics, and work together to resolve the issues this country faces. Somewhere between what a true democrat believes and what a true republican believes is common political ground that will benefit this country and the citizens that you all were elected to represent. Otherwise the common ground we share will be the same graveyard where other cultures and societies reside.
We the people, not we the corporations, are what sustain this country. We the people, not we the special interest groups, live and die believing in our flag, our constitution, our country, and each other. I do not hate and disregard my fellow citizens if they disagree with me, I do love and care for my fellow citizens because we share a common faith in what America means and what it should represent to the rest of the world, “a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.”
Democracy and citizens make capitalism possible. Capitalism and corporations do not make democracy possible.
Divided we are weak. Divided we fail. Divided we fall. Furthermore if we allow personal beliefs, special interests, and politics to divide us, than we all accomplish more in a day than any terrorist could do in a month of 9/11s to our country. What in your political history has brought you to the point where your political interests trump those of America’s interests?
Four thousand Americans die each year on the job and thousands more are injured. Hundreds of military personnel die each year and thousands are injured. Certainly their lives and injuries amount to more than your own personal political death or injury if it should occur because you are willing to sacrifice to improve our country. What more incentive do you need than honor? What more satisfaction can you enjoy than accomplishing real results? What better legacy can you leave than an America that is whole, an America that is strong, and an America that can be seen as a beacon of freedom, rather than another collapsed society?
Follow or get out of the way because you all certainly aren’t leading.