None of our brothers and sisters should be sent to war or put in harm's way, for any reason, that isn't true. We as a country failed to protect our honor, democracy, and legacy.

In addition to our citizens we have no right to harm others when harm has been commited against us. 2 million, that's right 2 million Vietnamese died for a war that was illegal, immoral, and a fraud.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Divide and Conquer

American, I'm an American. Not a liberal, not a conservative, not a radical, or any other tag. My religion is my business. My politics are my business and you are welcome to my political business as I post it here. My race is the human race, my planet is earth, my desire is that we do the best for the most, as best we all can.
Polarizing rhetoric divides us. It is up to you all to decide why people, corporations, and so called leaders are trying to divide us.