None of our brothers and sisters should be sent to war or put in harm's way, for any reason, that isn't true. We as a country failed to protect our honor, democracy, and legacy.

In addition to our citizens we have no right to harm others when harm has been commited against us. 2 million, that's right 2 million Vietnamese died for a war that was illegal, immoral, and a fraud.

Friday, June 4, 2010

A fair solution for unreasonable people...

Utilizing a technology bars have used for decades we should have a code reader on gasoline fill nozzles that read the type of vehicle they are filling.
If people want to drive gas guzzlers they should have to pay more for the gas they are purchasing. If people want to go to the tanning salon in a SUV, or drive 70+ miles an hour in a huge pick up truck than they should have to pay a higher amount for the gas they use.
It can be a graduated cost, vehicles getting below 15 mpg will pay twice the baseline price of gasoline, 16-24 mpg the price will be 1.5 times the cost, 24-35 mpg the cost will be baseline cost, and anything above 35 mpg they will start getting a discount.
Rather than giving subsidies for vehicles that increase our dependence on oil and petroleum, as we did for SUVs, we should have these gas guzzlers susidize our country.