None of our brothers and sisters should be sent to war or put in harm's way, for any reason, that isn't true. We as a country failed to protect our honor, democracy, and legacy.

In addition to our citizens we have no right to harm others when harm has been commited against us. 2 million, that's right 2 million Vietnamese died for a war that was illegal, immoral, and a fraud.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Another Matyr to Sanity

To Tyler Clementi and his family bless you all in this time of hurt and pain. There are and there never will be anything that can heal this.

To those that preach, criticize, and condemn him for his nature, your time will come when you will have to answer for it. That which cannot be defined or described, god, will apply his levy.

To all of those that profess their beliefs through their religions be it Christian, Muslim, Judaism, Hindu or what have you, and harbor hate in their hearts for any of god's children, or foster through their support wars, your hypocrisy will stand out most of all, it is evil from the very source of all evil...and you all are more on the side of evil than that of good...

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