None of our brothers and sisters should be sent to war or put in harm's way, for any reason, that isn't true. We as a country failed to protect our honor, democracy, and legacy.

In addition to our citizens we have no right to harm others when harm has been commited against us. 2 million, that's right 2 million Vietnamese died for a war that was illegal, immoral, and a fraud.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

What would Jesus Charge, Socialized medicine advocate, or Hippocratic Heretic

For all the arguments against President Obama's health care reform it caused me to consider the many aspects of Jesus's teachings and professions.
What would Jesus charge to heal the sick, as he did, and what would the patient's co-pay be? What the heck would the code be for Lazarus? Would Lazarus have to pay for the rest of his life?

Would lepers be charged more because they were lepers? Did Jesus refuse to heal those that could not pay? Did the purported prostitute Mary Magdalene have employer provided health care? How much of Judas' 50 pieces of silver go to health care?

Did Romans, because they were roaming, have to pay more because they were out of network? And are they the ones responsible for the roamin' charges on cell phones? And did Jesus refuse outright to treat Romans because they crossed over the border illegally?

What would Jesus think, as a carpenter, of splinter groups of Christianity? And since he made crosses, was this technically a pre-existing condition for him?

As a Fisher O'men, (amen), did he qualify anyone as a dangerous catch? Would he have thrown anyone back? And do you think he would eat seafood from the Gulf of Mexico after the spill and release of oil?

As a Bouncer (money changers), could he have healed himself if he had thrown his back out, and if not, who the heck would he go to see, not a Pharisee I'm sure, to get healed?

As a Speaker, Preacher, Storyteller, why didn't he ever have a Crystal Cathedral, podium, or arena? Most of his sermons seemed to have been standing room only. Would God have been his TicketMaster also?

How much of a Military did Jesus recommend when turning the other cheek?

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